Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Life doesn't get much better than this. My great grandson Kamden and I were together for my seventieth birthday. he lives in Texas with his mom and dad...dont know when I will see them again. Hope it will not be too long a time.

I will put the pics of Casen and Rawley on this as well. They are four and other great grandsons. God is so good.


Geo. M said...

Such a cute Grandson Sean. Such a blessing I'm sure. I sent you a E:Mail about a very special puppet I hope & Pray you'll considering making. It's an exact copy of one you made for me and other puppeteers at Calvary Church in Charlotte. My E:mail explains what I'm hoping for and a pic is attached with my E:Mail.
My E:mail is:

Geo. M said...

Seam, I noticed I had a mistake in my E:Mail address I gave you in my firs blog comment to you.

My correct addy is:
I do hope you'll read my comments and respond about my request for a new puppet for a gift for a specian friend at Calvary Church in Charlotte. If my detailed info about the puppet I put in earlier E:Mails to you has been lost due to my using the incorrect E:Mail addy , Please contact me in one of the following ways so I can provide again, the complete description of the puppet.

Contact me at:

George Maston
9100 Hinson Dr.
Matthews, NC 28105

Phone [H]: 704/847-5181
Cell: 704/807-7946


Hope to hear from you as soon as possible. Many thanks,
